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Wednesday, 27 April 2016

They think its all over...Football & Business Parallels

My son plays for a local football team. In this particular match he was asked to play upfront, when he's more used to playing in central midfield. He didn't have a very good game, and he seemed to lose heart.
After the game I asked him why he didn't have a good game.
Firstly he complained that he was played out of position, so was less comfortable. Also when  he was in good positions the ball wasn't played to him, which left him isolated.
It seemed that there are many parallels between football and business.
Too many businesses/clients are waiting for the ball to come to them. They get in the right positions - but are then waiting for things to happen. If they don't, then they lose heart.
So I asked my son what could he have done differently?
He said he should have dropped deeper- to try and get more involved in the game and find space. 
"Good-what else?". He pondered. So I said "What about shouting you want the ball?, letting your teammates know you are available and you want the ball?
That way you could have linked up and get more service from your team."
In the same way if in business things aren't going your way-your not getting the sales you want -what do you do? Stay where you are in your comfort zone and blame and complain?, or do you change strategy and try alternative marketing strategies?
Do you drop deep and go to the ball-be more proactive-could you increase your marketing-do more networking-communicate you want more business?
Could you let existing clients know you want more business-working on referrals-let them know you want the ball?
Could you link up with other non-competing businesses and create joint ventures/marketing -linking up the play?
Of course you could stay where you are in the hope you get a lucky break-but do you want to rely on that?
When things aren't going your way-its hard, and its not easy to keep positive. But I'm reminded of a Winston Churchill quote "If your going through hell-keep going"
Business is about calculated risks. If you do all the right things then you increase the odds you succeed.
In order to succeed you need to push yourself, Get out of your comfort zone -and if things aren't going your way-adapt and change your approach.
My son took this and board and played much better in his next game.
Could you play better in yours?